Gomex Engineering Ltd.
M-F: 8:00 - 17:00
Driving Directions:
45 Spring Park Road
About Us
As the Founder of Gomex Engineering Ltd., Valentine Gomez, P.Eng., CPHD brings over 11 years of engineering, project and construction management experience to our Clients.
As PEI's only Passive House Designer on the island, Valentine has been working to grow Gomex into the first island resource offering energy efficient, sustainable buildings designs for residential, large-scale institutional, civic, and commercial projects that meet the rigorous Passive House Standards.
Valentine also specializes in deep energy retrofits of existing buildings and helps develop a practical stepped approach towards lowering the buildings total energy usage all while working within the Client's budget and schedule.
Lowering building operational carbon and embodied carbon are some of the key steps required in order to help PEI reach it's target goal of net zero by 2040.
Valentine is currently a Director with the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (PEI Chapter) and sits on the Board of Construction and Consulting Engineers with Engineers PEI.
- Passive House Designer
- Deep Energy Retrofits
- Building Energy Modelling
- Construction Management
- Project Management

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